Mindfulness Body-Focused Coaching Program

Coaches creating transformation with their clients through a mindfulness body-oriented approach. 14-week online live program. Accredited for 24 ICF CCEU’s.

Transformational Coaching Conversations

Learn about the science & practice of mindfulness and how to have transformational coaching conversations.


‘Whether you’re a new coach, seasoned professional, new to Mindfulness or have been practicing for years, this book will provide insight, guidance and examples of the many ways Mindfulness will expand your awareness and capacity to engage your clients. Satyam is a masterful coach and teacher; her wisdom flows off the pages. Be prepared to experience positive changes in your coaching practice and your life’.

Aimee Viniard-Weideman, ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC).


In this coaching program, you will be introduced to the science and practice of mindfulness. You will be supported to develop a consistent mindfulness practice and increase mindfulness within different areas, such as relationships, stress management, physical, emotional & mental wellbeing.


Developing the skill of mindfulness is the key to being a masterful coach. Applying mindfulness to the coaching conversation increases your ability to have deeper more impactful conversations that provide greater value to your clients. 9-week online live program in small groups. Accredited for 24 ICF CCEU’s.


Individual or group coach mentoring is for coaches who are interested in developing their coaching skills and completing the requirements for ICF ACC or PCC accreditation. The mentoring can also be used for ACC renewals. The mentoring is held over a 3 to 6 month period.

‘When we take time to quiet ourselves, we can all sense our lives could be lived with greater compassion and wakefulness. To meditate is to support this inner potential and allow it to come forth into our lives.’

Jack Kornfield, Meditation for Beginners

‘I highly recommend this program to any coach who is serious about stretching their own potential, and facilitating transformative and game-changing outcomes for their clients.’ Josie Thomson

ICF Master Certified Coach

‘The program helped me to understand the importance of developing a mindfulness practice for my own mental and spiritual health, and that doing so would enable me to use mindfulness to support clients in a very powerful way’. Rita Maniscalco

ICF Professional Certified Coach

‘As well her considerable skill and experience as a coach the thing I have valued most about Satyam is her ability to listen at a completely different level. This has enabled me to connect deeply with what is most important in that moment and shifted my perspective of what great coaching is.’ Jo Porter

Learning Manager

‘The most important thing I’ve learned through my journey of coaching with Satyam is how to distinguish my ‘head’ from my ‘heart’. Her guidance, wisdom experience and support have helped me to recognise my intuition and connect with what I already know, then have the courage act on it.’ Melissa Gill

Voice Coach

‘The greatest gift we can offer others is our presence.

When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.’

– Thich Nhat Hanh, The Mindfulness Survival Kit.


You know how it feels as a coach when you’re in the flow, you’re feeling confident, open, and in tune with your client. You’re in the zone. It feels great and you know you’re offering the value your client wants. The questions come easily, your intuition is spot on…


The most fascinating thing about the science of mindfulness is that many different traditions have been practicing meditation (a form of mindfulness practice) for at least 2000 years and it is only in the last 20 years that scientists have had the capacity, through…


For centuries spiritual gurus from around the world have advocated the benefits of meditation and other similar mindfulness practices. Science is now catching up proving that mindfulness practices, such as meditation, have a multitude of physical and psychological…

‘Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment. We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing.’

– Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness for Beginners.